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Explore Brazil


Brazil is South America’s largest nation and, with five FIFA World Cup championships under their belt,
home to the most decorated national soccer team in the world. It’s a country so large and varied that
it defies easy generalizations. Travel to Brazil, and you’ll find jungles, forests, beaches, mountains,
rivers, and two of the world’s largest and busiest cities: São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Visit Brazil
to discover some of the world’s most scenic landscapes.
Brazilians speak Portuguese, with differences in pronunciation and usage from the language spoken in
Portugal. In larger urban locations, it’s common to find people who speak English. The Brazilian tourist
industry is largely based around the country’s natural beauty spots, including spectacular waterfalls,
beaches, rivers, lakes, and mountains. The country is also famous for its carnivals and fiestas, with
religious occasions throughout the year that occupy cities for days. Opt for our Brazil travel package to
get started on planning your vacation.

Cristo Redentor


Rio de Janeiro

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Best Location in brazil

  • Cristo Redentor
  • Corcovado
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Cristo Redentor